About Us

Coffee Bean Origination

The House blend is Cosmo Coffee roasters flagship blend. We believe this is a taste that caters for daily coffee drinkers. It is made using the best crop of high quality seasonal specialty coffee beans and roasted in the Hills District. To bring absolute balance of flavours we have choses four origins, Columbia, costa rica, Guatemala and a secret south American bean.

Our Philosophy

We understand that an excellent coffee can absolutely make your day, starting it off in the best possible way. Conversely, we also know that a bad one has the ability to ruin it entirely. Operating at a grass-roots level, Cosmo aims to foster and maintain close relationships with coffee farmers from all around the coffee-growing world. In doing this, we’re able to know which coffees are best enjoyed as a single origin, and which are best as a dual origin or blend.

The quality of coffee is not simply a matter of the final roast. A full commitment to quality must be present from the very start.